Indice de référence des loyers (IRL) : la hausse des loyers plafonnée à +3.50% jusqu’en avril 2024

Au 3e trimestre 2023, l’indice de référence des loyers (IRL) fixé par l’Insee s’élève à 141,03 (contre 140,59 au 2e trimestre), une évolution qui sera limitée à 3,5 % jusqu’en avril 2024.

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24 mars, 09:27, par Diego

A lease that features utilities, repairs, taxes or insurance in the month-to-month fee.
A lease that doesn’t embrace utilities, repairs,
taxes and insurance coverage within the month-to-month fee.
If there are quite a lot of empty buildings and the property wants rather a lot of labor,
the landlord may supply these allowances as incentives
so that you can signal the lease. There are quite a lot of reasons why the "Test Engine" light
will out of the blue come to life on your dashboard. I learn the native paper and often check the Twitter.
Periodically test your stove to verify it isn’t leaking.
And for the reason that fast-meals wave hit many years ago, numerous corporations,
now chains, have tried to make a buck from our love of these oily, salty and greasy foods.
It’s because when you’re in this plan, you aren’t
allowed to eat many unhealthy foods. If the buildings are newer then they’re typically smaller and not in a prime location.

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